Naman Gupta



Hi there! I'm Naman Gupta, a software engineer with over 9+ years of experience in the industry. Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects across various domains, including retail, telecom, healthcare, and Fintech.

My technical skillset revolves around Java, Spring framework, Kafka, and AWS Cloud. I'm a firm believer in the power of clean code. Clean code is not only easier for humans to understand and maintain, but it also helps to reduce errors and improve the overall quality of the software. I subscribe to the philosophy expressed by Martin Fowler that "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." By following clean code practices, I strive to write code that is well-structured, readable, and maintainable. This not only benefits myself and my fellow developers but also ensures the longevity and scalability of the software projects I work on.

Beyond the technical aspects, I'm passionate about fostering knowledge sharing. I enjoy mentoring freshers and college undergraduates, helping them navigate the exciting world of software development. I'm also constantly on the lookout for new technologies to learn and integrate into solutions for real-world challenges.

This portfolio serves as a window into my experience and approach to software development. Feel free to explore my projects and get in touch if you have any questions!


Here's a glimpse into what I can do. Get a feel for my background and accomplishments.

Happy Clients Worked with

Projects designed and deployed

Projects Developed from scratch

Repositories with learning notes


Over the past 9+ years, I've honed my skills in a diverse range of technologies, encompassing both front-end and back-end development. Additionally, I gained valuable experience in big data projects, providing me with a well-rounded understanding of the entire development landscape.

Java 90%
Spring Core & Web85%
Spring Cloud 75%
SQL 3.0 80%
Kafka 75%
Angular 75%
AWS Cloud 70%
CI/CD 80%

Professional Journey

Professional Experience

Senior Manager

2022 - Present

Morgan Stanley, Bangalore, India

  • Design and develop applications to support new business ventures (Incubation team).
  • Propose architectural and design improvements, leading to enhanced system design and clean architecture principles.
  • Conduct Proof-of-Concepts (POCs), document findings, and collaborate in transforming POC code into production-ready applications.
  • Deploy and support applications until ownership is transferred to the application support team.

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2022

Barclays, Pune, India

  • Develop new features and enhancements for a long-standing (10 years) application.
  • Successfully migrated the application to a new architecture, resulting in a 30% performance improvement and a 20% cost reduction.
  • Played a key role in establishing development best practices, including designing the CI/CD pipeline and setting up code and design standards.
  • Proven ability to not only maintain and support the existing application but also develop new projects from scratch (e.g., Database Based Reporting solution and Application Control Center).

Senior Engineer

2018 - 2018

Netpulse Services Pvt. Ltd, Pune, India

  • Designed and developed backend APIs for an IoT application that transmits medical data from devices to Android applications.
  • Implemented functionalities for processing large volumes of medical data (millions of records per hour) using a Kafka cluster.
  • Developed Java consumers to store processed medical data in a NoSQL database.
  • Set up and stabilized the Kafka cluster for efficient data processing.
  • Contributed to some GUI development and enhancements for the application.


Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2018

Altimetrik India Pvt. Ltd, Pune, India

  • Gained experience as a backend developer, working on a large-scale project.
  • Deepened understanding of design principles and security concepts through project involvement.
  • Built backend APIs for a wallet solution used by banks, merchants, and sub-partners.
  • Emphasized clean code practices and the importance of testable code.

Senior Software Engineer

2016 - 2017

Shiksha Infotech Pvt. Ltd, Pune, India

  • Legacy application enhancements.
  • Worked with Big Data technologies (Kafka, NoSQL).
  • Implemented custom high-volume data processing solutions.
  • Set up a monitoring system for the data pipeline.
  • Troubleshooted and resolved Kafka Cluster stability issues.

System Analyst

2014 - 2016

Skillnet Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Indore, India

  • Extensive experience customizing X-Store for various clients.
  • Successfully customized core modules like Sales, Shipping & Receiving, and Payments.
  • Developed a PCI-compliant, pluggable payment integration solution for X-Store, resulting in a 40% reduction in delivery timelines.


Master of Technology (Software Systems)

2014 - 2016

Birla Institute of Technology and Science

My Data Science specialization equipped me with foundational skills in data warehousing, data mining, and machine learning. I understand the importance of clean, maintainable code and strong software management practices for successful projects.

Bachelor of Technology

2009 - 2013

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology

I majored in Computer Science, focusing on programming languages and their applications. My coursework provided a strong foundation in areas like database management and computer networks. However, I was most drawn to the power and creativity of programming. This passion fueled my final year project, where I developed a Content Management System (CMS) application.


What others are saying:

I have had pleasure of knowing Naman. He is dedicated & quick in grasping concepts. Extremely eager to learn new things. Over the years he proved himself has a competent technology professional with excellent command in Java technologies. He is one of the sharp developer, i come across. He is clearly an asset to whichever organization he is affiliated. I would highly recommend him.

Bhrugu Joshi

VP at Barclays

Naman is a highly motivated, result oriented individual, willing to go an extra mile to reach goals and learn along the way. He possess good technical knowledge and would work well both as an individual contributor and also as a team member. Collectively, all these skills put together makes him best suited for any opportunity.

Kriti Mittal

Manager at BDO Germany

Naman is a problem solver. No matter what the problem is, if you throw it to Naman he will find a way to solve it or if there is no viable solution he will suggest best alternatives & work towards it! Being a technology enthusiast, he is always on the move and watching out for latest trends in the market. He just probably has the right ingredient to be a technology officer in his near future... I am sure that Naman would be an asset to any project he gets associated with. I wish him good luck and great success in his future endeavours.

Abrar Ahmad

Senior Architect at Harman Connected Services

Naman is a go getter with strong basics of technology, has full of energy discussing new ideas and concepts. He is very quick learner and very sound technical person. Work is at the highest priority for him. His detail to delivering quality solutions in a timely fashion is amazing. He is an asset to any team or organization that he works for.

Rahul Gupta

Consultant at Skillnet Solutions Inc.



+91 81092 04182


Bangalore, India